The meaning of the word tarry means “to delay”, “to linger in expectation”, or “to wait”. It also means to abide or stay in or at a place. (

According to, this word appears in occurs 51 times in 50 verses in the KJV.

The idea of waiting is not new in the bible. Throughout time, God’s people have had periods of tarrying. Whether it involves waiting for an answer to a prayer or to simply spend a little more time with God, waiting on God always involves a reward. It is His pleasure to “reward those who diligently seek him”. Heb 11:6

Here at Jesus Reigns Ministries Vallejo, we have adapted to the culture of tarrying. Every quarter of the year, we set aside time to pray and fast as a congregation. We do our best to rally our JRM-Vallejo family to embrace the idea of spending time sitting at His feet and having either a conversation with Him or simply enjoying His presence.

So many things can be learned through tarrying. Please stay tuned for our next couple of entries focused on answers to the question, “Why tarry?”

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