Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Prayer and Fasting

Identify key people in the church who are willing to pray or serve in the leadership of prayer ministry and enlist their commitment.
Plan, formulate to implement and execute the Pastor’s, Vision, Mission and Goal as far as prayer and fasting ministry is concern.
Facilitate, lead, manage, promote and coordinate church Wednesday Prayer Meeting and quarterly praying/tarrying meeting
Ensure that prayer is encouraged, engaged, and integrated into every ministry and department of the church.
Create an information network that keeps everyone informed of prayer concerns and prayer meetings.
Initial church wide prayer and fasting among members
Contribute to the development of an effective local prayer chain.
Plan and organize special prayer events for the church (i.e., Overnight Prayer, prayer conferences, prayer seminars, National Day of Prayer and etc.
Evangelism and Social Services

Identify key people in the church who are willing to pray or serve in the leadership of evangelism & social services and enlist their commitment.
Plan, formulate to implement and execute the Pastor’s, Vision, Mission and Goal as far as mission ministry is concern.
Plan, schedule, coordinate, Facilitate and oversee weekly prayer meetings and home Bible Studies.
Plan, schedule, coordinate, oversee and execute all community and social reach out outside the church
Plan, schedule, coordinate and oversee activities that would encourage congregational missions and mission-equipping opportunities
Ensure announcements for missions outreach and for various drives are communicated through various venues.
Plan, oversee and implement the annual mission’s budget.
Work with the pastoral staff in setting guidelines for the benevolence budget and give insight of assistance evaluation when needed.
Designate leaders and equip them to coordinate possible school partnerships, mentoring, community-related projects, disaster relief efforts, etc. that help fulfill JRM’s mission and vision.
Social outreach such ministry to the poor and food bank distribution
Shared Responsibilities with Pastor

Care and counseling of members.
Pulpit ministry.
Others as mutually agreed upon.

I have read and understood the requirements for this position and I can perform the essential responsibilities for this position.

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