Love is the core of Christianity. It is the center of what we do, why we exist, and why we persist.
In this year’s anniversary, we focused on rallying the church to “Love our City with Christ”. This is a call and a challenge for all believers to get out of our comfort zones and to intentionally go to the different corners of the city to demonstrate the Love of Christ.

Church Vision

It is our vision “To love our city with Christ; one person, one family and one community at a time”. JRM-Vallejo is a family of believers whose goal is to explore the love of Christ and share it to the world. From this vision statement, we can get three important things.

The Love of Christ

Embracing our vision is not about lining up activity after activity in hopes of increasing our numbers. To embrace our vision means to get soaked in the Love of Christ. It means that we find time to stay rooted and grounded in love. To love our city with Christ is to expand our hearts to receive greater measures of His love.

The Power of One

Another aspect of our vision is the unlimited possibilities of ONE. Throughout history, we have seen God single out men and women to address a spiritual crisis and bring revival. In fact, our leaders are examples of how God molds a person for a specific task that involves a lot of people.

To love our city with Christ means we honor and respect one another, the stranger, our neighbor – everyone. Everyone counts! We start appreciating each person as one whom God has lavished His love on. We see through immaturities hold up the destiny God has for each person.

The Ripple Effect
The thing is, each one has so much potential the possibilities are endless. Who knows, the next person you might witness to is called to reach unreached people groups in the world.

This is the time for us, JRM-Vallejo! Let us look for opportunities to demonstrate the love of our Savior. Little acts of kindness count! Find time in your schedule and be intentional about it. Shalom!

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