Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Every single day we have countless opportunities to thank God for all the wonderful blessings He has given us — our family, the gift of a new day, an able body, good friends, food on the table, roof on our heads, and so many more.

Of course, life isn’t always a walk in the park, at some point we will encounter roadblocks and face struggles. But these difficulties aren’t meant to stop us from living, in fact, God wants us to use these roadblocks to change us for the better and make us more like Him.

It’s just like the transformation of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. The process of going through trials and struggles in life will transform us to become spiritually mature individuals. The challenges that are thrown our war can be used to focus more on the good gifts that we are receiving and may have been taking for granted.

Here are 6 Ways to Develop a Thankful Heart

Have your personal “Thank You” Journal. Everyday, write down all the things in your life that you thank God for.
Tell it to others. Spread the culture of gratefulness by talking to others about how you are thankful for receiving such blessings
Reflect on the Goodness of God. Reflect on all the blessing you have and talk about how good God is.
Pay it forward. Look for ways in which you can show your gratefulness to everyone around you on a daily basis.
Seek Gratitude in the Bible. Be more inspired and encouraged by reading about the loves of godly men and women who cultivated a life of gratitude.

Keep a clean heart and let go of everything that hurts you. To have a truly grateful heart, you must have one that’s free from being offended. Offer all your hurts to God and let him set you free!

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