Recent events may have given you concern about our future. Rumors of war, diseases, economic shutdowns and world leaders who seem distant to the wishes of their people are not necessarily sunshine and rainbows. 

However, the world keeps spinning. The sun rises and sets. Life goes on. 

The bible tells us to refrain from embracing fear. In fact, it commands us to be courageous, to take a position of confidence in the goodness of our Father. Many times men and women of God throughout history went beyond their fears and overcame their situations. Every act of courage is the overcoming of the easier choice of succumbing to fear. 

Are you afraid of tomorrow? Is the situation out of hand? Here are three things you can do to overcome fear. 

Embrace the Situation

The first step to being worry-free is to accept the situation you are in. Sometimes, being on the extreme end of positivity creates a false sense of reality. A sound understanding of what is taking place at the moment pushes one to a corner. At this point, the only decision to make is either to succumb to fear or to plan the next steps ahead.

Adjust Your Perspective

As Christians, we are bound to face different situations in life. We are exposed to challenges both inward and outward. However, we are reminded that our battle is not against flesh and blood. Our fight is not with the physical world. 
It is, therefore, necessary for us to keep adjusting our point of view. Sometimes, it is not the lack of money that is the problem but our inability to trust that God will provide in time. Sometimes, it is not the sickness we are against but the assurance that what God has promised, He will do. 
Commit Your Next Steps
Once you have embraced your situation and have adapted a heavenly point of view, you can now plan ahead the steps you can make. When we plan, we do not rely on our own wisdom. We do it prayerfully, believing in your heart that God is with you and that His favor is upon you. 
Are you still worried about tomorrow? Worry no more! Start embracing Jesus in you, He will pave the way. 

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