Thanksgiving is a time of celebration and reflection on the goodness of God. It is “a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father.”

Throughout the Bible, we can see a pattern of public expression of gratitude. We see the people of God offer sacrifices before, during, and after major event in their lives.

Paul, in the New Testament, would exhort the churches and the believers to “always give thanks to the Father”; to make thanksgiving a crucial part of their prayers. Doing this not only acknowledges God’s favor in the lives of His people but also helps the believer to adapt a perspective that sees the move of God in one’s life – no matter what the circumstances are.

For the 19th of November Sunday Service, the church had a special offering. This was done as a gesture similar to that of the Old Testament tradition where the people of God offer the best parts of their harvest as an offering to God.

The church was encouraged to bring a portion of food, fruits, of any item that can be offered as a token of gratitude to God’s loving-kindness and faithfulness. These tokens represent the consciousness that without God’s favor, all our labor is in vain.

This thanksgiving season, let us make it a point to make the most out of our this season. Let us not forget to acknowledge God’s providence and faithfulness. Our “Abba” keeps His promises.

At the same time, let us also acknowledge the people in our lives who deserve a pat on the back or a warm hug. Let us remember our parents, our brothers and sisters, our mentors, our friends and colleagues, the community we belong to, and all the people in our lives who challenged us to grow, who comforted us in times of sorrow, and those who have loved us through all the phases of our walk with God.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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