Unlocking Heaven – Keys to Living Naturally SUPERNATURAL

The book “Unlocking Heaven – Keys to Living Naturally SUPERNATURAL” shows us that, in the bible, Jesus called every believer to live a naturally, supernatural life. He wants to bring the Kingdom to earth so that what is in heaven, can be on earth. In Matthew 10:7-8, Jesus commanded the disciples to preach that the “Kingdom of heaven is near; heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” Christ goes on to tell us in John 14:12 that “whoever believes in me, will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” This stands as not only a command, but a promise. In fact, the book itself examines several promises made in the book of Matthew.

The author of Unlocking Heaven, Kevin Dedmon, entered public ministry in 1981. As with other great revivalists of the past, and throughout history, he and his wife were average, everyday Christians with different backgrounds and they held different jobs. Because of their passion and dedication, they sought to discover the keys to unlock heaven and allow them to live a naturally super natural life and ministry.

Gods call evokes uncertaintly; feelings of intimidation, fear and inadequacy. My own reply would be “are you sure about this?” But God is known for choosing the least likely person to do His will.

The author writes, “As a believer, Christ lives in us, He also wants to live thru us. He wants to reveal his glory through ordinary, extra-ordinary people. In Isaiah 60:1-3, He commands us
‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord arises upon you. See, darkness is over the people, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

The author continues, “Jesus wants to shine through our lives. He wants out of the box! Christ in us has the answers that those around us are waiting for. Through Christ we have access to every resource in heaven that can meet every need here on earth.

The book continues, “To say that we have the power to heal someone is inaccurate. We cannot heal anyone, but Christ in us can. We cannot save anyone, from sin, but Christ in us can. Conversely, it is almost as if God will not heal, deliver and save without us. God has the power to heal us on his own, but God in his sovereignty, has chosen to partner with believers to bring his kindom rule to the earth just as he did when he commissioned Adam in Genesis 1:28 to “fill the earth and subdue it”. Obviously, God had the power to rule the Earth, but he chose to give the responsibility and authority to us.”

The author quotes from the bible frequently and asks us; “In Matthew 10:8, Jesus told his disciples to give away what they had, and freely received.” What had they freely received? Jesus gave them authority to drive out evil spirits, and heal every disease and illness. (Matt. 10:1)

“Jesus said in Matthew 12:18, “all authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me”, implying that he was giving his authority to the disciples so they could represent and expand His Kingdom. Therefore, with authority comes inherent responsibility.”
Imagine this. The disciples have been with Jesus everyday for a while now, but they remain anxious and unsure of how they can be like their Master. They want to walk in Jesus footsteps and be able to release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The disciples had a true desire to know how to live a naturally supernatural life. Which takes us to the core of this book.

How can we live a naturally supernatural life? The book, Unlocking Heaven, draws heavily from the book of Matthew to answer that question, and provides several examples of people who have done so. It provides scriptural references for what Jesus said about living in the supernatural and praying that God’s will is done in our lives.

The point that Jesus was driving at with His disciples is that a sincere and honest petition from their hearts is the only way to live a naturally supernatural life, to release God’s Kingdom and move heaven to earth. I believe the disciples finally got it.

If we are like children, loving, faithful and devoted to God, it will be His pleasure to bring Heaven to Earth, and allow us to live naturally supernatural lives. We must live a dynamic, intimate relationship with God.

Unlocking Heaven is well written, inspirational and informative.

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